Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Hitlery Channel

So the other day I was flipping through the channels trying to find something to watch and I have to say that I'm getting a little annoyed at some of the things I constantly find on my favorite channels(though I still watch them anyways).

The first one.....The History Channel. Now Here's one of my favorites cuz History is one of my favorite things. I love learning about things that happened in the past and about the people from that era. Now that being said all I ever see on the History Channel when I turn it there is a show about Hitler....Elite Forces of Hitler!! Secrets of Hitler!! The Plot to Kill Hitler!! Hitlers Henchmen!! Hitler Bakes a Cake!! Oh you havent seen that one? Its wonderful, he has his own little take on German chocolate. Ok maybe that last one was made up......but in no way am I saying that I dont want to learn about all the terrible things that he did but my mommy always told me things are always better in moderation. So how bout mixing it up a little bit "Hitlery Channel"? Whoops I mean History Channel..

Ok and the other channel that doesnt really annoy me as much as I find it completely hilarious is The Discovery Channel. They should call that channel "The Holy Shit The End Of The World Is Coming And Theres Nothing You Can Do To Stop It Channel". One that Gordon and I were talking about was about the huge meteor that hits Earth and kills us all off and "Its not a matter of IF but WHEN!!" Dont you just love it when they throw that little line in there all the time? Why dont you all just kill yourselves right now cuz your all gonna die anyways from the huge meteor that will plummet to Earth...that by the way according to them has happened many times before and most certainly happen again. Or another good one is that the world is gonna end on December 21st 20012 because the Mayan calander said so and possibly maaaaaybe Nostradamus did also within his book of riddles that anyone can make into anything they want to. Cuz you know he predicted 9-11 right? Why arent we just reading the Book of Nostradamus to figure out our fate so none of this happens to us? You know be one step ahead of those darn terrorists and tsunami's and such? Oh but my favorite part is at the end of the show where after they're done scaring the shit out of you that they throw in "Now even though all this likely wont happen in our lifetime" bullcrap....uhhh hello!! You just scared the crap out of me for the past couple of hours and I've already built me a bomb shelter 200 feet underground! Oh well guess we all gotta go sometime why not on 12/21/20012?


Gordo said...

The video is freaking funny.

keven said...

oh i see the video is funny but my blog is crap huh? I hate you now..

Anonymous said...

I noticed that the History channel has gone overboard with Hitler stuff too. The other thing they keep showing over & over is the history of the KKK and hate groups.
I stay away from the depressing shows about the end of days - I don't want to know that stuff.
Try watching channels like E, Bravo, & Lifetime Movie Network - they show all the good shit - Dr. 90210, the Real Housewives of Atlanta, and Troubled Waters.